So, you know what you want ... and in the big scheme of things its not really a lot is it?
The problem is, you do NOT have a clear plan of action to get what you want
No certainty or clarity about the future
Imagine you are driving & its very foggy & raining HARD ... So you're anxious & driving sloooooowly
But WHY are you anxious & moving slowly?
Because you simply can't see whats in front of you. It's really hard to visualise more than a few feet beyond the 'bonnet of next week' so you have to crawl along, mile after mile, month after month
My point?
The further ahead you can clearly see, the faster you can go with enthusiasm ... and without anxiety!
That's what Entrepreneur School is all about - CLARITY and CERTAINTY
Hey, this isn't for everyone. But if you've already been trying to figure out what you're missing (& probably have been for some time) Entrepreneur School is for you
The clocks are ticking
They're getting louder aren't they?
Fact: Not knowing what I know is costing you
Every day, every month, every year that flies by
If you have a lot of knowledge and experience in your line of work and things still seem to be more difficult than they ought to be, you need to hear what I have to say
Maybe you do have business knowledge but that isn't really producing more take-home income and the autonomy you desire
I have insights & answers
If you spend most of your day with a tension in your gut, or you have ever felt a (not so) distant sense of dread without really knowing why, let's you & I talk
You can FEEL that what you are missing is obviously significant, but you also have a feeling that ... it isn't something HUGE either!
At some level you know deep down there is no 'secret of the ancients revealed only to the inner circle' - more likely a few elegant ah-ha 'revelations' that all entrepreneurs have accepted as truth at some stage & now live by
Theres a life-changing quote from Marianne Williamson that goes like this ...
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us"
You KNOW it's true ...
You have powers of various sorts that you HABITUALLY fail to use